Crop Tolerance

Crop Tolerance

Crop Tolerance (Phytotoxicity)

BASUDIN® applied at the recommended rate is well tolerated by all crops where its use is approved. The exceptions are:

  • Reduction in germination in some susceptible varieties of sorghum.
  • Damage by high strength granules (containing higher than 5% active ingredient) when hand applied to the whorls of maize plants.
  • Reduction in germination due to in-furrow treatments under adverse weather conditions (direct contact with seeds).
  • Russeting in apples (Golden Delicious cultivar) when applied at petal fall.
  • Damage to apple fruit and foliage if applied as a summer spray in a mixture with mineral oil under cool weather conditions.
  • Russeting in certain grape varieties if applied too close after fruit set and when the developing grapes are still very small (4-5 mm).